Высший педагогический колледж (ENS)
Founded 1970, acquired present status and title 2001.
Степени 2
Степень магистра,
Степень бакалавра
или эквивалент
Языки 2
Подразделения 4
- Отдел/отдел педагогических наукНаправления обучения: Образовательные науки
- Отдел/отдел точной науки
- Отдел/отдел современных языков
Требования к поступающим
- Детали приема: School certificate for first year entry, Diploma of General University Studies (Second Year University Diploma) or Masters for Professor section depending on cycles. Assistant Inspector section is opened to primary school teacher with eight years of seniority. Inspector of the fundamental section is opened to primary school teacher with three year of seniority.