Университет сельского хозяйства и технологий Говинд Баллабх Пант (GBPUAT)

Founded 1960 as Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University, acquired present title 1974. The University, based on the pattern of the Land Grant Colleges of the USA and set up in collaboration with Illinois University, aims to bring the results of science nearer to the farmer and to stimulate the adoption of new methods and techniques as a means of achieving greater prosperity for the rural population and the country as a whole.

Финансирование: Государственное
Аккредитация: University Grants Commission (UGC)
Степени 4
Языки 2
Подразделения 9
Требования к поступающим
  • Детали приема: 12th year senior secondary/intermediate examination or recognized foreign equivalent

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