Украинско-Американский институт либеральных искусств "Международный университет Висконсина (США) Украина" (WIUU)
WIUU was founded in 1996 as a branch of the Wisconsin International University (International Division of the Lutheran Concordia University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), and had the name of the Wisconsin International University (WIU) in Ukraine. In 1997, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education Ukraine WIU was transformed into a joint Ukrainian-American Humanitarian (Liberal Arts) Institute with the Ukrainian co-founder – the National Pedagogical University named by Mykhaylo Dragomanov (Ukraine, Kyiv).
Частное коммерческое
Степени 2
Степень магистра,
Степень бакалавра
или эквивалент
Языки 1
Подразделения 2
- Международный менеджмент и бизнес департамент/отдел
- Отдел/отдел социальных и гуманитарных наук