Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)

Founded 1984. Previously Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Science of the University of Dar es Salaam.

Финансирование: Государственное
Аккредитация: Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU)
Степени 4
Языки 1
Подразделения 11
Стоимость обучения в год
Местная валюта: TZS
300 000,00 TZS631 500,00 TZS
Требования к поступающим
  • Детали приема: Certificate of Secondary Education Examination, or East African Certificate of Education Ordinary ('O') level, or equivalent, with passes in 5 approved subjects obtained prior to sitting Advanced ('A') level with a total of not less than 4 points. Entrance examination, or East African Certificate of Education Advanced ('A') level, or equivalent. Two principal passes at 'A' level with a total of not less than 4 points. Entrance examination
Ваша валюта: USD
113,10 $238,08 $

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