Папский католический университет Перу (PUCP)

Перу, Lima , Avenida Universitaria 1801 Distrito San Miguel

Founded 1917 as a Catholic university. Classified by law 1949 as a national university entitled to award degrees and titles. Honorary title of Pontifical University conferred by the Vatican 1942. Reorganized 1969 and faculties replaced by major academic programmes. An Episcopal Council, presided over by the Archbishop of Lima, Grand Chancellor of the University, has since been established by decree of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities.

Финансирование: Частное коммерческое
Степени 3
Языки 1
Подразделения 37
Требования к поступающим
  • Детали приема: Secondary school certificate or foreign equivalent, and entrance examination

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